Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Free Adwords Tips - CTR Secrets


Hello one and all. Let me ask you “How would like to know a few handy tips for Adwords and get them for Free?”. Well, call my psychic if you want, but I ready know the answer. Yes!
Of course you would, who wouldn’t want to have free tips and advice from some who knows his stuff. The question is what do you want to know? Well, judging by the amount of texts that I get on the subject, I’m going to give you Free adwords tips on ‘How to increase your Click Trough Rate (CTR)’. So, if this is something that interests you, then read on.
Before we begin, This article is not for beginners. However, if you do want to know how to get started, download my free adwords ebook, packed with killer tips, tricks and secrets for beginners and intermediate Adwords users. Simply go to: and grab you free adwords ebook now. Instant download.
Ok, On wards and up wards:
So, how to increase your CTR. This for some reason confuses the best of us, for some reason we find it hard to get our ads to get an impressive CTR. Why is it so hard? Think about it, all that you have is 4 short lines of text. Thats it, it’s not as if we have to create killer copy for a sales page. But, as we know, those 4 lines of text can be responsible for our entire profits online.
But how can I write a better ad?
Simple, but first let me tell you what you shouldn’t do. You shouldn’t guess. Guessing will lead to failure. 9 time out of ten 10, your opinion is just that, your opinion. You need to know if your ad is working, and if the changes that you are making to your ad are increasing your CTR or decreasing your CTR. Through out these free Adwords tips, I’m going t show you exactly how that is done.
Free Adwords Tip 1:
This is a must. You must learn how to do split testing. You would not believe the amount of marketers that know all about it, but never act on it. For those of you that don’t know, let me give you a quick over view.
Split testing is basically a way for you to test multiple variations of the same ad. Google Adwords has a special feature that allows you to run a split test for your ads at no extra charge. Once activate, Adwords will run your ads in alternating patterns. E.G - Ad A then ad B then ad A then ad B, A then B then A then B. You get the picture. What this does it allows you to test different elements of you ad at the same time, So you could be running two ads exactly the same but with different headlines. You then see which headline is getting the highest CTR. Simple as that, this technique allows you to test two ads against each other, the delete the under performing ad, and replace it with a new ad. This new ad is then in competition with the last winning ad (The control). If the new ad wins, then this ad now becomes the control, and the previous control is then deleted. You keep on performing this pattern until you can increase the CTR any more.
Setting up split testing:
Like I said, this is a free adwords feature, and it’s easy and fast to get started.
1 - Go to ‘Campaign Settings’
2 - select ‘rotate ads evenly’
Now lets write the second ad.
1 - go to your existing ad text.
2 - select ‘text ad’
3 - write a new ad.
Thats it, it’s free, easy and fast. So go and get setup now.
Free Adwords Tips 2:
What to split test. OK, this is the question on every ones lips. What do I need to split test to get a higher CTR? Below is a list of different elements that are worth you time split testing.
1 - Keyword in the Headline
2 - Benefit in the Headline
3 - reverse copy - body 1 and 2
4 - include benefits in body 1
5 - include specs in body 2
6 - include call to action line in body 2
7 - try different capitalization on different words
8 - Add keywords through out the body copy.
Ok, try these different variation and see for your self what works best.
Free Adwords Tip 3:
Killer URL. Did you know that just by using a URL the includes your keyword phrase, it can dramatically increase your CTR? This is a great technique, and one that i use again and again, Simple by a new domain name, and use it as a alias of the original domain name.
Tip - Don’t buy different domain names until you know that your keywords are profitable, (or at least bringing in lots of traffic).
Free Adwords Tip 4: The final tip
It may come as a surprise to you, but people do not read the ad copy. They skim through the Adwords and click on the first one that catches their attention. Studies have shown, that including spaces, numbers, -, and and % symbols, that it can greatly increase your CTR. So a good free adwords tip is to use 100% and £12.99 with in your ad.
So there you go.
Some great easy to follow free Adwords tips for you. Make sure that you go and try them out. I use these all the time, and now you can to,
REMEMBER, To get even more Free Adwords Tips, Download my FREE Ebook. Packed with Killer tips, Tricks and Adwords secrets
Thanks for reading.
I hope that this article was helpful for you.
Kind regards
Jeff Spires
Adwords Qualified Professional

FREE Adwords Ebook. Killer Tips, Tricks and secrets revealed. Signup now Free Adwords Free Instant Download.

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